AI Image Generator

AI Image Generator

AI Image Generator

Generate stunning images from text

Generate stunning images from text

Creating art with the AI image generator

Creating visuals can be a time-consuming task, especially when you want to communicate your ideas and thoughts effectively. But what if you could simply describe the image you want and let the technology do the rest? That's exactly what Kive's Generate Image tool offers - an AI-powered solution to generate any visual from a simple text description. With just a few clicks, you can have the image you need in seconds, without spending hours creating it from scratch.

How to generate amazing images with AI

Enter a text

Write a text prompt describing the image you want.

Press generate

Press generate to start the AI image generation. Wait a few seconds.

Watch your image take shape

Watch your image appear. Save it to your library, or download it. Done!

Whatever you can type, you can visualise

With generative AI, your ideas are no longer limited by your ability to draw or find stock images. Simply express your vision in words, and watch as AI transforms it into a stunning visual representation. This technology empowers creatives to visualise anything they can imagine, freeing them to focus on what truly matters - bringing their ideas to life. Don't let your creative potential be held back by traditional limitations. Embrace the power of generative AI, and unleash your imagination today.

Make your creative process insanely fast

Kive's image generator lets you create countless options in mere seconds, empowering you to iterate faster and explore more possibilities. Say goodbye to long hours spent on manual tasks, and hello to a streamlined workflow that frees you up to focus on the most important part of your job - bringing your vision to life. Unleash your inner speed demon. Your creativity will thank you.

Never forget your best prompts again

A library for your generative AI images ensures easy access to the prompts used to create every image. This makes it simple to revisit and refine your best work, allowing you to focus on elevating your vision. Don't let your best prompts slip away - keep them all safe in a library for your generative AI images and take your creativity to the next level.

More than just an AI image generator

Kive's is a powerful online platform that allows you to easily organize and access your creative assets. It is completely free to start and provides you with all the tools you need to store, search and find your content. With an AI-powered tagging system, finding your generated images is fast. The prompts you used, and other settings are saved so you can re-use the prompts that worked best. There are also useful collaboration features to let you seamlessly work on creative projects together with your team. By creating an account you will get a simple way to organize your assets in one place, accessible from any browser, and any device, and search it all with incredible speed and accuracy.

Transform your creative process

Sign up for free and supercharge your creative workflow with Kive.


Copyright © 2024 Kive

Kive makes life easier if you’re building a brand. Common tasks like coming up with social media ideas, ad campaigns, producing visual content or managing all your various assets become effortless. It’s an indispensable platform for brands with a creative assistant built in.


Copyright © 2024 Kive

Kive makes life easier if you’re building a brand. Common tasks like coming up with social media ideas, ad campaigns, producing visual content or managing all your various assets become effortless. It’s an indispensable platform for brands with a creative assistant built in.